
We have decided to name “Friends” all the people who support our work.

Becoming a "Friend of the Isabel Martín Foundation" means that you share our values and goals, that you work for the Dignity of Women, that you commit yourself to promoting their health, education, economic independence and participation in terms of equality and justice, that you believe that supporting women means to support the community and contribute to sustainable development...

To formalize our friendship you only have to fill in the form below with your details: from now on we will keep you updated on our activities and projects, you will be able to take part in the events we organize and you will receive our newsletter. Besides, we kindly ask you to follow us on our social media and help us spread our work.

Being our friend does not bind you to anything else: you do not have to make any donations or pay any fees. Nevertheless, if you wish to be a donor or benefactor we will be happy!

Donors and benefactors

You can support our activity and participate in the funding of projects either with cash or in-kind.
  • Periodical donation.

  • One-time donation.

  • Donations in kind: please, contact us. Logistical problems and high transport costs prevent us from accepting some donations of this kind. Call us and we will discuss your contribution. The donation of professional or entrepreneur jobs is channelled through volunteering.

We cannot accept cash donations or anonymous donations over one hundred euros (100 EUR).
As an identified donor you will receive information about our Annual Report and Annual Accounts, and a Certificate of your donation. We remind you that your donation is deductible in Income Tax and in IS. Only for contributors in Spain.

Sponsorship and patronage

As a company you can make a more visible commitment to the activities of the Foundation by signing a collaboration and sponsorship agreement.

Our goal is to help you promote the good practices of your organization as a socially responsible company and channel your commitment and that of your workers to building a more just and generous world.

You can sponsor and fund the activity of the Foundation, or specific projects and activities. We will advertise your collaboration. Contact us for any doubts and for us to discuss the manner that best suits your company. We can design customized programmes for companies and workers with solidarity events and awareness-raising activities (markets, tribal art exhibitions, courses).

Also, Remember that the collaboration with the Isabel Martin Foundation has a favourable tax treatment.

Solidarity purchases

You can also collaborate with the Isabel Martín Foundation by purchasing the products we sell at solidarity markets and other events we will be telling you about on our website and social networks. We can also supply Fair Trade products for your corporate gifts.

Soon you will be able to buy on-line but for now contact us for any purchase.

We are committed to fair, sustainable trade and we care for the environment: the products we sell are made primarily by Creative Handicrafts, the Women's Cooperative in India which we support, or by entities that guarantee fair trade principles.
In the case of items and clothes made of cotton, it is certified organic cotton.

In solidarity markets we may sell recycled and second-hand products from donations.

If you have a suitable place or space and want to organize a solidarity market for the benefit of the Isabel Martín Foundation, contact us.


We have the possibility of welcoming students from different levels (Vocational Training, Training programmes for employment, University, etc.) for non- professional training with the Foundation.

Should your Training Centre be interested please do contact us and we will inform you.