
The Isabel Martin Foundation embraces transparency amongst its core values. In this sense, it subscribes to the principles included in different Codes of Conduct and more specifically, to the one from the Coordinadora de ONG para el Desarrollo de España (NGO for Development coordinating body in Spain) and transparency indicators set out by the Asociación Española de Fundaciones (Spanish Association of Foundations).

These principles entail working in keeping with the law at all times, providing the appropriate administration agencies with any requisite information. The Foundation´s Governing bodies develop loyal and responsible management, striving to achieve their founding objectives. As bodies working for the benefit of the general public, they release, on a regular basis, information on their lines of action, programmes, objectives, ways to obtain resources and raise funds and their amount.

In this section you will find key information about the foundation, is provided in line with the transparency principles mentioned before.

  • 1.1 Date of creation: 23 April 2015 (registered on 18 November 2015 -BOE 2 December 2015)

  • 1.2 Identification of founding trustees:

• Mr Ángel Sánchez Fernández

• Mr Ignacio Aragüés Dufol

• Mr Johny Joseph

1.3 Foundation Goals and activities:

The goals and activities of general interest as laid down in the Foundation´s Charter are:

  • • Health and social care services for disadvantaged people who are socially excluded, particularly women, children and teenagers.
  • • Promoting social voluntary work.

The Foundation´s aims will be met through the development and implementation of a series of activities, programmes and projects through the management of establishments and/or centres providing for the specialised care of disadvantaged people in danger of social exclusion, especially women, children and teenagers. These activities are as follows:

• Giving support to persons targeted by the Foundation, promoting, sponsoring and carrying out Development and Empowerment Programmes and Projects, by giving special priority to those aimed at the promotion of women, as well as training and development programmes for unprotected children at a national and international levels, and also in Asia, Central and South America and Africa.

  • These programmes and projects will aim for sustainability as a necessary requirement for long lasting development and self-support.
  • • Encouraging and promoting initiatives for the "creation of decent jobs" (jobs meeting minimum decent working conditions and standards) within the Fair Trade movement in all its areas of activity, both at the level of producers and consumers, involving all the stakeholders in respecting people´s dignity and the practice of justice.
  • • Creating and developing programmes for the integration into the labour market of people at risk of social exclusion, and supporting organizations that promote it.
  • • Promoting awareness-raising campaigns in our society, tackling the issue of inequalities between the South and the North, promoting the participation and mobilization of people and fostering attitudes of active, coherent, critical and responsible solidarity.
  • • Carrying out campaigns to promote volunteer work.
  • • Fostering Education for Development, a process which, through learning and critically analysing the factors and circumstances affecting the present situation, contributes to building a civil society more committed to solidarity and the transformation of unjust structures and relationships.
  • • Promoting programmes of economic sponsorship to purchase medicines, to cover the expenses of medical consultations and surgery, as well as the organization of forums and conferences on social health matters

1.4 Registered at:

Single registry of Foundations with Nationwide Scope under number 28-1782 (BOE 02/12/2015)

1.5 Fiscal status:

Special tax regime law 49/2002 of December 23rd, on tax regime of non-profit organizations and sponsorship tax incentives.

CIF: G-87295697

1.6 Registered address, headquarters or branch offices:

Registered office address: C/ Gaztambide 50-local. 28015 Madrid. España.

Registered fiscal office and headquarters: C/Arpa, 6-local. 50003 Zaragoza. España.

Branch Office in Aragón: C/Arpa, 6-local. 50003 Zaragoza. España.

Registered at the Registry of Foundations of the Autonomous Community of Aragon under number 59 (IV).

1.7 Organization´s Charter


1.8 Basic rules governing the Foundation

• Ley 50/2002, de 26 de diciembre, de fundaciones (Spanish Law of Foundations).

• Real Decreto 1337/2005, de 11 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de fundaciones de competencia estatal (Spanish Royal Decree, approving the Regulations for Foundations with a Nationwide Scope).

• Ley 49/2002 de 23 de diciembre, de régimen fiscal de las entidades sin fines lucrativos y de los incentivos fiscales de mecenazgo (Spanish Law on the tax regime of non-profit entities and tax incentives for patronage).

• Ley 45/2015, de 14 de octubre, de Voluntariado (Spanish Law on volunteering).

2.1 Mission, Vision and Values

2.2 Areas of activity of the Foundation:

  • • International Development Co-operation
  • • Awareness-raising
  • • Volunteering
  • • Fair Trade

2.3 Description of the beneficiaries:

The Isabel Martín Foundation primarily supports projects whose direct beneficiaries are women, girls and children, especially those most disadvantaged.

However, it also participates in projects that benefit communities and families, within the framework of community philanthropy and human development.

3.1 Board of Trustees:

  • • President: Ángel Sánchez Fernández
  • • Vicepresident: Ignacio Aragüés Dufol

Other members of the board:

  • • Ignacio Aragüés Lafarga
  • • Paz Dufol Pallarés
  • • Paz Aragüés Dufol
  • • Johny Joseph

  • Secretary (non-trustee):

  • • Olga Estella Ibarbuen

3.2 Management team:

  • General Manager: Olga Estella Ibarbuen

5.1 Corporate Governance

The Foundation has:

  • • Strategic Framework: Yes.
  • • Practices and / or principles of good governance: No (in progress).
  • • Mechanisms to avoid situations of conflict of interest of the members of the governing bodies: No (in progress, code of good governance).

5.2 Activity Criteria and Control processes

The Foundation has:

  • Expenditure approval procedures: no.
  • • Criteria for selection of projects and beneficiaries: yes.
  • • Control systems and internal monitoring of the activity and contributions to the beneficiaries: yes.
  • • Procedures related to acceptance of donations and management with donor rapport: no (in progress).
  • • Enlisting and rapport procedures with volunteers: yes.

6.1 Contracts concluded with a Government body, specifying the purpose, duration, amount of tender and award and its amendments

The Isabel Martín Foundation currently has no contract with any government agency.

6.2 List of agreements signed with a Government Body, mentioning the signatory parties, their purpose, duration, modifications made, required to perform the agreed benefits and economic obligations

The Isabel Martín Foundation has not signed any collaboration agreement with any government agency.

6.3 Agreed Management mandate signed with a Government Agency, indicating purpose, budget, duration, economic obligations; and subcontracting , stating the successful bidders, procedure for the award of the tender and amount.

The Isabel Martín Foundation has no management mandate with any government agency.

6.4 Subsidies and public aid been granted, stating their amount, objective or purpose and recipients./p>

The Isabel Martín Foundation does not have and is not currently managing any public subsidies.

6.5 Aggregate remuneration received annually by members of the Board of Trustees

None of the positions of the Board of Trustees are remunerated, its members receive no compensation or allowance, beyond the reimbursement of travel expenses incurred in the exercise of their functions.